Saturday, May 2, 2015

Technology Integration Project

YouTube is an online video streaming website that allows users to upload or watch videos on command. YouTube has the ability to be access from a PC, laptop or smartphone. YouTube allows a person to like videos, subscribe to users, as well as create channels to categorize videos saved/uploaded.

Prezi is an online collaborative presentation tool. Prezi has the capability to be created on a PC or tablet through the website or an app. Prezi shares the same qualitities as Microsoft PowerPoint, except with more features that are appealing. Prezi allows you to create an interactive presentation with unique themes.

Kahoot is a game-based classroom responsive system. Through the creation of teacher-led quizzes, educational content is enriched by asking questions in a game-like environment. Students can use their mobile device, personal computer, or tablet to access the technology.

Instructional Objectives
6 (F) demonstrate appropriate use of digital photography and editing to:
(i) use digital photography equipment to capture still-shot images that incorporate various photo composition techniques, including lighting, perspective, candid versus posed, rule of thirds, and filling the frame;
6 (B) demonstrate appropriate project management to:
(i) create a plan for a media project such as a storyboard, stage development, and identification of equipment and resources; and

Intended Audience
Middle School students, 8th grade, in Digital Design Class that is high school credit.

Learning theories/Instructional Model
Theory: For this lesson, a constructivism theory is incorporated because students knowledge is constructed based off of personal experience.
Each person has a different interpretation and construction of knowledge process
Students are not a blank slate, but bring past experiences and cultural factors to a situation.

Model: A Dick & Carry Model is used in designing this lesson plan because the teacher identifies what they want to accomplish when planning. With that being said, the teacher must analyze the learners and what will work best for them.
At several points in the activities the teacher is checking for understanding. The first time is during the activity when students match the terms. The second time is while students are uploading images to the correct slide for Prezi, and the third time is during the Kahoot interactive activity. At the end of class, this is a summative evaluation because the learner has been introduced, reviewed, got own examples and is summing it all up together with feedback from  teacher and peers.

Examples of potential instructional activities
Class Duration: 80 minutes – Block scheduling
Topic: Camera Angle & Camera Shot

Students will watch the YouTube video: Camera Shots & Angles - An Introduction (~ 3 minutes)

-       Teacher and students will discuss collectively as a class the YouTube video that was viewed. (~5 minutes)
o   Why is this important, what do you think about this, what is the difference between angle and shot, where have you seen this—give an example from a movie you just recently viewed.
o   Discuss objectives for today.
-       Identifying Camera Angles and Camera Shot (~ 20 minutes)
o   Each student will get a set of descriptions identifying a camera angle or camera shot.
o   Students will label on the left side of their piece of construction paper camera angle and on the right side label camera shot.
o   Students will match the correct definition/description with the correct image identifying the terms.
o   Class will collectively go over terms to make sure all students have the correct matches of terminology.
-       Student examples of camera shots and camera angles (~ 35 minutes)
o   Students will be grouped into 2-3 students
o   Each group will get a camera
o   Groups are to create their own examples of Camera Angles and Camera Shots by taking pictures on campus. (Students can take pictures in classroom or in the hallway near classroom)
o   Students will import images on the computer and upload them into a presentation.
o   Students will use Prezi to identify their images and which term is captured.

Wrap-up/Check for understanding:
-       Students will log-in individually on Kahoot to check to see if students understood content (~ 15 minutes)
o   Kahoot will show question on screen and students will individually answer on device.
o   Points will be awarded based on correctness and time taken to answer

o   After each question/image, class will collaboratively discuss correct/wrong choices deciphering why it is correct or wrong and student’s thoughts.

Lesson Presentation

Article 3 Review

In an article written by ISMAN (2005), he describes a instructional design theory that begins with what factors must be present in order for a model to work. It is described that the goals and objectives must be selected and focused on. This is a key component of the design process because this is the what you are aiming for in achievement. He describes that all the steps of the design process are interralted and all must be complete in order to work correctly. Isman (2005) states that all steps of this design process must be thought out carefully and used in a meaningful way for success. The design steps are important because if the design is successful, then students have been motivated to learn and this is a key component of instruction that Isman (2005) points out. In order for the objectives and goals to be created, Isman (2005) identifies that you must be able to answer the following questions: whom to teach, what to teach, how to teach, and how to evaluate. These are the main questions that he focuses on in designing instruction. The models that an instructor can select are one of the following: classroom model, product model, instructional systems model, and trends and issues. The classroom model is design teacher oriented basis. The product model are more interested in producing instructional product either for specific people or mass groups. The instructional systems model is used for designing a complete online class, which requires a team to produce the product.

The key focus of the Isman model is how to plan, develop, implement, evaluate and organize learning activities effectively so that students can perform at peak standards. The theoretical background of this model is based on a cognitivism and constructivism theory. The model focuses on how to store information into long term memory. Students become an active part of the activities and they reflect on their own thought. So their personal experiences motivate students to actively participate.

I find this article very interesting because it is important that all students are motivated to learn. I have found in my own experiences that if students are not motivated, there is a hard barrier to overcome and you spend more time gaining their attention and fighting that barrier instead of focusing on the instructional objectives. I find that most teachers have to deal with this battle because technology is not being incorporated properly. I think it is beneficial to tap into the longterm member because if it is not meaningful or useful to our students, they do not hold onto material and the content gets lost in short term memory. I never have really thought about looking at learning from the longterm an short term memory aspect, but it is pretty ideal. We want our students to gain that knowledge and be able to use it which is why meaningful instruction is so important. I feel that I am a broken record sometimes, but it is so important in the education world.

ISMAN, A. (2005). The implementation results of new instructional design model - isman model. TOJET : The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 4(4), 47-53.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Article Review 2

Dr. Abdelraheem (2005) examines information technology and educational technology. While there are many definitions of these two out there, Dr. Abdelraheem identifies that these two terms are similar. He also examines that by integrating these types of technologies can produce the best type of learning systems. Dr. Abderlraheem (2005) states "there has been entirely too much focus on the promise of wires and cables, laptops and desktops...and far too much spending on equipment and too little on program design and development" (p. 129). Through his evaluation, by implementing instructional and information technology, creates eight basic opponents and twenty-one  subcomponents to producing electronic learning systems. By creating these components, it supports the interaction between teachers and students and creates an online learning environment that focuses on well designed materials, immediate feedback through communication, and accessible information from the surrounding electronic environments and suitable delivery systems.

While reading this article, I realized that this similar to the theory world. There are many different versions of theories and models, but all seek the same provide quality education. Far too many educators do see technology just as it is, technology. We need to use technology to fullest advantage that is has and accommodate the curriculum. If we take a step back and keep in mind the overall goal and realize that technology can be useful, but with the correct process. I never really thought about it, but in the paper it asks a question...what is technology? Many would probably list out different programs, but it is much more. Think about the different items you can put into a computer: smart card, css, accessories, devices. Now, think of what they allow you to do: look at digital photos, create animations, interactive programs, virtual reality systems, and the list is unending. This is how we need to think of technology in our classrooms. We need to get past the basics of Microsoft Office and really "get down and dirty" with our technology and really take the classroom experience to a new level.

Abdelraheem, A. Y. (2005). Integrating instructional technology with information technology and its implications for designing electronic learning systems. International Journal of Instructional Media, 32(2), 125-132.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Article Review 1

An article written by Ma and Runyon (2004) introduce a new instructional model that is geared towards enhancing the traditional university experience. The reason for this new model is a result of the increased development of Internet technology that has created competition for traditional universities. With the increase of the Internet, more universities have been created that are geared towards distance education. Ma and Runyon (2004) strongly agree that the traditional university has a higher advantage because of the human interaction and this is a vital element to the education process.

Distance learning always will have the major problem of its lack of human contact and the resulting weaker relationships among and between students and faculty members. More important, we should realize that for most students, the university is not only a place to obtain a college degree but also a community in which to “grow up” and become productive members of society. (Ma & Runyon, 2004, pp. 368)

While the main focus of the traditional university is experience and effective learning, it is still important to incorporate technology to enhance the curriculum. The instructional model incorporates Internet-based resources and collaboration of faculty members. The idea is to provide students with as many resources as possibly through faculty collaboration of information. This model proposes that an Internet-based faculty resource center be designed for an academic program or discipline. Then each individual course can be built into the site. All faculty members for their course will have access to their materials as well as other courses that align in their discipline. The instructors can collaborate during class preparation and share instructional resources. This idea is not only to improve academic productivity, but also enhance their teaching effectiveness. In the classroom instructors can log-on to the site and deliver a lesson with all materials available from one location. Ma and Runyon (2004) call this type of delivery “Academic synergy” because of the collaboration of faculty members’ academic knowledge and experience. This is the key advantage to this model because students have access to the best information that technology can offer without losing the most important factor, human interaction.

Personal Reaction
I believe that Ma and Runyon have something that could be vital to higher education. I know that there are resources out there like Blackboard and sites like we use for my current program, but I am unaware of this type of collaboration amongst faculty members of the same discipline. I have wondered how major universities are handling enrollment when it is just as easy to access the Internet from home. In the news recently there has been discussion about university attendance rates and rising costs of tuition. I would think that these factors would deter students from attending traditional universities and enroll in distant education programs. The article does bring up a good point that the human experience is vital. Not only as creating an academic network, but also to aid in maturity and preparation for the professional workforce they are studying. I know that in my four-year undergraduate experience, I matured dramatically and really found who I was. I know that the expectations for my parents generation, the expectation of my generation, and the expectation of my children will all be different, but for the current technology advancements and needs of students, I believe this model would greatly benefit traditional universities.

Ma, Y., & Runyon, L. R. (2004). Academic Synergy in the Age of Technology-A New Instructional Paradigm. Journal of Education for Business, 79(6), 367-371. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Final Reflections on ETEC 527

As I have journeyed through this Web 2.0 technology class, I can honestly say that I have learned about new tools and how to incorporate them into my career. I have a new found outlook on web 2.0 technologies as I have only scrapped the surface with them, I am looking forward to advancing my skills with them. It is incredibly nice to be out of this bubble of my comfort zone and willing and wanting to research new technologies. I have always had the mindset of looking at technology and just focusing on it in my classroom. I have found that this is so limiting for my future. Of most of the technologies we have utilized in this course, I mostly will not be using in my classroom. They will be used for professional development and professional communities. The power of teacher word of mouth is amazing because we all have a main goal and that is to want to help each other. Also, what better way to learn about new technologies than by those who are utilizing them in their classrooms and how. I can say that I have found several useful tools and website via Twitter based off of what others have shared. Another great thing that I have really looked forward to with Twitter are those conferences that I may not be able to attend, but can stay up with "whats new" via tweets. I have a new-found love for Twitter whereas I have always told myself I will never use it...I find myself on it almost daily, as it is a work in progress. With using Protopage, I have introduced it to my campus, but also to my district with plans to assist there with incorporation. This will be used not only for professional communities, but also for my classroom. I plan on introducing it to my students and creating pages for my student organizations. This is a great way to organize important pages and widgets for my classes based on what they are involved in. In working with YouTube, I am blown away with all that can be done with YouTube as my only involvement previously were to look at funny videos and videos to teach math. I really enjoy creating channels and playlists to share with students as they can subscribe to my channels. I plan on incorporating this in my Math intervention class because students can use the videos in there for extra assistance. A major outcome with this course is my involvement in Schoology. Not only was it being introduced into our district as the time I was beginning this class, but I have engulfed myself in the program. While doing some research for my final project I spoke with their customer service to answer some questions. I told the representative what I was doing and she encouraged I send my video to them so they could view it and share amongst their community. With all of the experience I have had in this classroom, I am encouraged and excited to get out there and learn new technologies. My prior thoughts on professional communities had been that I have to search through masses of posts just to find maybe A helpful tool, whereas now I am wanting to search those communities and share and I don't find it as a waste of time. I can say that this class has taught me a lot about technology and it's uses not just for the classroom. I have learned to use resources that are out there and I have a new vision for my future career as a Program Director.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Reflection on my Digital Footprint

I have searched my name many different ways (including my maiden name, Maxey) and even Martin is a very common name, I did find a few items. I can say that my blog showed up as well as some of my videos in YouTube. This is a transition from my digital footprint investigation a couple of months ago. I am excited to see myself pop-up in a positive way because this is something I pride myself on in my classroom. I am continuously telling my students that I want them to be careful and I can honestly see that my footprint is what I am happy with. With wanting to move forward in my career, I am happy to see my name in a positive way and as something that is useful to share with people.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Web 2.0 Technology Professional Development

As I come to conclusion with my Web 2.0 Technology class, I will focus my future on not being scared to explore things that I am not familiar with. I have really enjoyed finding new tools to work with, so much to the point where we are implementing several of the tools I have discovered in this class on my own campus. Moving forward, I am going to focus on keeping up with new and innovative technology by attending a few conferences. The TCCA, TCEC and TCEA are all on my list to attend. Although I did miss a conference just recently, I was able to keep up with it by following it on Twitter and having my tech-spec send me snap shots of a few vendors that I should check out. Twitter was a tool that I really was hesitant to use, but have a new found happiness with it. It is a great resource to use for keeping up with what is going on in the classroom and new idea to incorporate in the classroom. I have followed groups such as eLearning Industry, EdTechFam, Schoology, EdSocialMedia, KidsDiscover, WeAreTeachers, MindShift, EducatorInnovator, TCEA, just to name a few that I have found helpful with keeping up with new innovations. Another great way to keep up with technology is through Schoology. Within the platform, you can join communities to share ideas with other educators. Also, there has been a website that I have recently fell in love with is a blog by Amy Mayer called FriedTechnology. This website reviews new technology and creates discussion over topics that are relevant to the classroom. I really enjoy her posts as she covers some pretty interesting topics. All of these that I have posted are new ways that I have discovered either through my exploration for this class or by communicating with collegues and coming across them. These are all ways that I would not normally seek out professional development opportunities to explore new web 2.0 technologies. Outside of these listed above, I can always resort to my district as we have online as well as in-person professional development. With my district, I also have access to Region 4 which offers a plethora of professional development. I have really enjoyed my searches thus far and can't wait to see what I come across next.