Sunday, February 22, 2015

TAG, You've been bookmarked!

Booking marking websites that you frequent often has been utilized to make the online experience even more easier. By the click of a button, your favorite website shows up without having to type a single thing. But what if you are not on your friendly computer and now you actually have to remember that website address? Have no fear, Diigo is here. Diigo has been created as a web 2.0 technology that allows a user to access unlimited amount of personal bookmarks they may favor. Not only can you access it from any computer, but you can also organize your site by tags for each site to allow an easier find of all of your bookmarks by the tags you assign to the site.  One of the great uses that I have found with Diigo is that not only are my bookmarks accessible from anywhere now, but I can also share with people specific finds. This is a great aspect as I created a group and plan on sharing with my department at work for an online collaboration of sites that we all frequent as well as suggestions for our classes. Upon beginning to work with this site, I was so impressed that I shared it with several colleagues at work that fancy new technology just as I do. When my tech-spec or myself come across something new, we tend to spend a conference period or two playing around with it. I can honestly say, instead of working on grades or lesson plans, we spent spent an entire conference period playing around on Diigo. It is rough sometimes being introduced to new technology because so many of the items we are introduced to is just a replacement of something else we have already learned, but this one is one we both decided it needed to be shared at one of our monthly trainings that she hosts. Well, back to my experience with Diigo, another aspect of the program I enjoyed working with is Diigolet. Diigolet allows you to put it on your bookmark bar on your current browser and click on it while visiting a website you would like to bookmark. Upon pushing on Diigolet, a pop-up box shows up with options that you can perform on the page. It allows you to highlight on the webpage, make notes, mark the page as read later, and bookmark the page to your Diigo account. This is really a cool task because the notes and highlights that you make are not public, but for your reference. This is really great for the type of person I am because I will find a website and see something really neat, email the site to myself, then after a few days revisit the site and wonder why I ever was looking at it. I regularly come across interesting articles that I want to read, but just don't have the time and Diigo allows me to not only bookmark the site, but to also mark as read later and make a note as to why it may be interesting or highlight something that I found interesting. I highly recommend this website and can honestly say that Diigolet is not only on my personal computer, but on my work computer and tablet. It is nice to be introduced to web 2.0 technologies so often as I continue through my graduate school journey and this one will definitely be a technology to stay in my tool belt!

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